Tweets by @Tweetsbysuku myblog: July 2012

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

True Love never dies

Source :
True Love Never Dies

I saw their Love. They were old, but their love was not old. Their love refreshes up every day.

I was thinking about Our Love……., which was ended in the first place.

I wanted to cry, needed to cry….. but I cannot….

Big Boys do not Cry

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Love is good - Loving compassion is better....

Love & Life
It was a fortune to have a good friends around you. Last night I was devastated. It was like a huge burden cannot held.

Fortunately I saw Dinush brother and expressed I m in pain. He told me its better if we can talk. Started a conversation in Skype, it was great.

He explained about pain and the things we suffer in religious way. According to Buddhism, we cannot imagine this whole sansara circle. May be we cannot understand the mother before few lives ago. So its useless to worry.

I  felt so bad I cannot see Xena, she is gravely ill. Now I know as an animal she might not suffer with illness like I do. We cannot take other's pain.
Love leads us to astray, to sad even pain. Its the nature of love. We get pain and sadness from loving things. Loving compassion is not like love. If we have it we can stay fine. All are same.
Love is a good thing.... but Loving Compassion is the better thing..............

Still not feel so good, but somehow I feel less pain.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Excruciating Pain.........

I don't know how to endure this pain....... Why this world this cruel.....

Xena is very sick, I cannot go with wounds and my sickness. I feel she may not live long.... damn... I cant go......

Sithuli Sis wont be here for sum-time, its also not good... its paining too.

What the hell is happening.... Shit .... Hmmm so much to do even to endure....

Astrologist was correct ..... I feel pain......................................................................................

I feel to cry.... NO I m rough... I wont cry... for any reason.... I was not born to cry...

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සිතට සැනසුමක් දෙන.... බුද්ධියට ආමන්ත්‍රණයකරන....

සුවබර දෙපැයක.... සංගීතමය කතිකාවතකට....

ජූලි 20 .... හැන්දෑවේ 6.00ට....

කොළඹ රාජකීය විද්‍යාලීය නව රඟහලට එන්න....



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Sunday, July 15, 2012

I have a new Sister ( in fb)

I forget to write anything here not because I didnt have much things, but I was so busy or something like that.'

Hmm before go to the topic, Got few achievements and things to think, also wounded....

I met a Sister from fb, haha its a usual thing to me.
Although its normal to me, this girl is special. She is a student nurse. She likes Dhamma as I do, knows sutta and so many things related to religion. Also she is a patriotic. I like it.

She wanted me to be in her family as brother, I asked her my demands to be in family. She agreed.
So I found she is a good girl giving comfort and nice welcomes all the time. She is a patriotic girl, so didnt like much when I told about vibha.... Hmm in the end I feel comfort to have a good sister, a nurse sister.

Wish her all the best ~ ~
T. S ~!